Therapeutic Benefits Drink Water White

Therapeutic Benefits Drink Water White
Drinking clean that water is purified in a proper way will also help purify your body. Water will make the colon more effective by forming new fresh blood.

If the colon is cleaned, nutritional food that is inserted for a couple of times a day will be absorbed. Then, the folds of mucous will turn it into fresh blood. Blood is very important in curing disease and restoring health. Because of that, good enough to drink water regularly.

Don't Underestimate Cough

Don't Underestimate Cough

Coughing is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism disaluran breathing and is a symptom of a disease or bodily reactions to irritation in the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.

Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust in cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, even ears). Then the receptor will flow through to the central nervous cough in the brain. Here will give a signal to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects it, until there was a cough. It's actually a normal reaction and serves to protect ourselves.

Diet Eat Fast With Acai Berry Fruit

Diet Eat Fast With Acai Berry Fruit
For a long time people talk about a great food called acai berries. Small berries that purple come from the Amazon, Brazil  this has extraordinary antioxidant content. Acai berry is often referred to as super foods, as these fruits are proven to increase energy, burn fat and slow the effects of aging. If you want a quick and healthy diet, this fruit can be a solution.

Panu Skin Infection

Panu Skin Infection
Panu is a skin infection caused by fungi. Panu can affect the skin on the body (tinea corporis), scalp (tinea capitis), groin area (tinea cruris), or feet (tinea pedis). Often, there are some panu on the skin area as well as.

~~~ Cause Panu ~~~

Panu is a common skin disorder, especially among children, but can affect people of all ages. Many bacteria and fungi live on everyone's body where several useful to the body. Others can multiply rapidly and become infected. Panu occurs when certain types of fungus grows and multiplies anywhere on the body especially at their preferred temperature (moist).

History And Nutrition Milk

History And Nutrition Milk
Milk is a white nutritious liquid produced by female mammals mammary gland. Milk is the main source of nutrition for infants before they can digest solid food. Dairy animals (usually cows) are also processed into various products such as butter, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, condensed milk, milk powder and others for human consumption.

Tips Eat And Drink Before A Morning Run

Tips Eat And Drink Before A Morning Run
Running or jogging is one of the favorite sports community because they are easy and inexpensive. This exercise is best done in the morning. But before doing so, pay attention to food and beverages you consume.

Eat and drink before a morning run should be taken to ensure that your sports activities run smoothly. One to eat or drink before a morning run, can make your stomach becomes ill.

Here are some tips on eating and drinking before morning run :


Avocado or Persea Americana, is producing plants a table of fruit with the same name. This plant comes from Mexico and Central America and now widely cultivated in South America and Central America as a crop monoculture and as garden plants in other tropical regions of the world.