5 Way To Take Care Dry Hair With Natural Way

5 Way To Take Care Dry Hair With Natural Way
Black or colored hair, healthy hair is the dream. But what about the hair dry and damaged.? May be very annoying and not beautiful to look at because it has beautiful hair is indeed the dream of all women.

How to cope with dry hair should not go to the salon and spend a lot of money. In addition to spending a lot of money, the hair will most likely be getting damaged. This is caused because the treatments in salons tend to use chemicals and dryers that can actually make hair more stress.

Beware of Hypertension in Children

Beware of Hypertension in Children
Any disease that appears on the child should cautious. Therefore, cases of hypertension or high blood pressure in children, it can at result from other diseases suffered.

A study done David Kaelber in Boston, United States indicate as much as 80% of cases of hypertension in children caused by other underlying diseases. Kidney disease is one that can trigger hypertension.

How to Prevent Varicose Veins

Although varicose veins mostly harmless but very unpopular varicose women, green and purple muscles appear in a clearly visible place on the thighs and calves can damage and reduce the appearance of confidence. What causes varicose veins? According to the study 3 of 10 people in the world infected varicose bias sufferers who do not distinguish male or female. However, the study also noted varicose veins mostly women, especially pregnant women.